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New software for Facebook

ReplyThanks 2015/02/04 08:17:59 1 0

Hey guys,

Just thought that based on TAP3 principle would be great to create marketing tool for Facebook. They are fairly similar in the idea just the difference is that info in Facebook posts and groups and pages are visible almost all the time and not just for short period of time that we have on our Twitter streams.

Ecomerce conversion rate from Facebook is 5 times more that from Twitter and audience is a way bigger as well. One more huge plus is that Facebook marketing applications are very few out there and they are very badly made and do not work properly. I'm finding that Facebook is banning accounts for the same reason as Twitter - so algorithm and procedure of spam investigation - is fairly the same for both and you are PRO in to Twitter area already. So, why not to expand your business?

If you guys could make such kind of tool based on TAP3 experience - I'm sure that would be great success for both - yourself and your clients as well!

And yeah - Happy New Green Goat Year to all!

2015/02/06 23:31:42
Very thanks to this suggestion, that is what we are going to do :)
Let's ROCK!
2015/02/09 04:17:24
HA! Nice! Any ETA for this?
2015/02/10 14:09:14
About 2 moths I think
Let's ROCK!
2015/02/12 11:15:38
OK, thanks! Speed it up if possible!:)
2015/02/14 23:38:11
You should step on it, to bring it on, asap!
2015/02/16 08:20:02
What do you need? :) I might help if I can...
2015/04/21 07:53:22
Hey hey!It's almost two month gone :) Any light at the end of the tunnel?
2015/05/04 05:54:48
Any news about this guys?
2015/05/08 09:55:03
Bump Bump this! - Any news?
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