Does not find the site
Tried with www and without www
How many you have a moneyback?
Here are the settings
Thanks for your suggestion, we will take them into consideration. I already added it to our work list. Please wait for the news.
We will make the tutorial asap, please wait for the news. So sorry for the inconvenience.
Now, if there is something you cannot understand, please let us know.
# Aprilcaicai -You must fill in your website link with this format: www.
Is it the latest version v 1.1.3? How did you set your campaign?
I make few test with www bot works,without not.
Version 1.1.3
Bot search in google on corect keyword ,but don't see my site,my site is without www (i add www - becose without bot crashing)
In next case - site is with www, and bot see site and go to them.
Yes, the latest version is v 1.1.3
Please make sure you can find your website using this keyword. What is your website link? and where you can find it in Google?
Can you please show us your campaign settings? We will test it on our side.
So sorry for the inconvenience.
Does not find the site
Tried with www and without www
How many you have a moneyback?
Here are the settings
Can you please send us your website link? and the keyword you used?
Btw, please make sure there is search result with this keyword in your Chrome.
So sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello guys.
Please try to use Google, Yahoo to test, it should work. We tested it again and again.
It is weekend, our programmers will back to work in next week's Monday. So sorry for the inconvenience.
If it cannot work, please let us know how you set the settings for your campaign, what is your website link, and what is the keyword you used.
Wrote to you PM
Very much the option of downloading public proxies !!!
Other traffic bots download the proxy itself.
Need a job stop button.
I have purchased the TBP and put the serial key but ultimately the software is not running.
The following error message showing:
"Load browser DLL file failed, please run it again using administrator rights"